Tantra: Generating the Deity Meditation

tantraTantric Practitioner Rules

Note: If you do not make a serious commitment to these rules, then this meditation is not for you. To perform it callously can be detrimental rather than helpful. Tantra is a powerful art, and must be practiced with pureness, compassion and regard.

  1. Always see the Deity within your partner. Don’t allow your mind to see them as human beings as that is an insult to the Deity within.
  2. Always perform your hath yoga, pranayama and meditation daily
  3. Control your emotions do not allow them to rule your life
  4. Eat no meat drink no alcohol take no drugs
  5. Never show anger or jealously towards your partner no matter what
  6. Treat your children as children of your Deity
  7. Never tell outsiders about your practices, not even your own family
  8. Don’t chatter or gossip about silly things, always speak about relevant subjects
  9. Study Scripture daily
  10. Never lie, steal or cheat

Generating the Deity

Generating the deity is the most vital practice you will perform and should be put before all others.

Follow the below steps carefully:

  1. Enter Shrine Room together and bow to your Deity 21 times
  2. Sit opposite each other and chant your mantra 108 times while focusing on the others third eye
  3. Bow to each other 7 times
  4. Take 3 candles and light them in the middle of you



These flames are the Body Mind and Soul of our Lord

Let them become ours to

Through His Grace we will become one



These flames are the Body Mind and Soul of our Lord

Let them become ours to

Through His Grace we will become one

Now follow these steps:

  1. Look deeply into your partners eyes and visulise them as the Deity
  2. Then chant your mantra 108 times
  3. When both are finished stand
  4. She undresses him first and he undresses her afterwards
  5. Sit in half lotus looking directly at each others heart charka and perform 40 rounds of alternate nostril breathing together seeing the Diety in each charka.

Now you must turn to face your shrine, perform 21 to 108 rounds of alternate nostril breathing for each chakra. Whoever finishes first just gently chants their mantra until the other is done.

Bow to the shrine 21 times and face each other again in half lotus



My life is yours to control

I have no will but yours

Let me serve you for all time

This I beg



My life is yours to control

I have no will but yours

Let me serve you for all time

This I beg





We serve as one

We live as one

We breath as one

We are one

Now she takes 7 candles and lights them between them, he takes 3 sandalwood incense sticks and lights them and places them on the shrine.

Follow these steps:

  1. She takes one candle at a time and touches the flame gently with her hand and touches his heart charka
  2. He does the same
  3. Together you place the candles in a triangle on the shrine pointing to the middle of the floor where you sit
  4. He sits down in lotus or half lotus
  5. She sits on his lap placing him inside of her
  6. She clenches her base charka 108 times while you hold each other
  7. Visulise the energy flowing into you
  8. when done kiss deeply giving as much energy as you can to each other

She leans back and move across from him, she kneels and he bows 3 times to him and sits in lotus or half lotus. You look into each others eyes seeing the deity and chant your mantra 21 times. Stand up, bow 21 times to the shrine and leave in silence.

~ by revolutionwithin on May 6, 2009.

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